The Materials Testing Centre (CBM) is an accredited testing laboratory with PCA certificate No. AB 089 confirming compliance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The detailed current scope of accreditation is available on the website of the Polish Centre for Accreditations.
The Materials Testing Centre’s employees main areas of activity are:
- physicochemical properties of service fluids,
- corrosion (NSS, AASS, CASS, SCAB, SWAAT etc.),
- environmental exposures,
- hardness, microhardness and nanohardness,
- qualitative and quantitative materialography (light microscopy, SEM - EDS),
- thermochemistry
The Material Testing Centre deals with, among the others, type-approval/certification tests of the following products:
- service fluids (antifreeze fluids for cooling internal combustion engines, windshield washer fluids for car windows and headlights, brake fluids for motor vehicles),
- reflective devices and warning triangles,
- registration plates according to the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and standards: ISO 7591, DIN 74069
- distinguishing plates: heavy and long vehicles and slow-moving vehicles as well as warning plates,
- special warning lights,
- high visibility clothing,
- warning and safety light devices,
- tests for corrosion resistance of materials
- aging tests,
- details testing according to the standards of carmakers, such as Volvo (STD and VSC), PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Mercedes-Benz (DBL, MBN, VDA), Ford, Fiat-Chrysler (FCA), Jaguar Cars & Land Rover (STTJLR and TPJLR ), Volkswagen (PV, TL and VW), BMW (AA, GS, TP and QV), MAN Truck & Bus AG, DAF (Keur), F+General Motors (GMW) as well as industry standards ASTM, SAE, ISO, DIN etc,
- testing the resistance of devices to the industrial atmosphere, i.e. SO2,
- metallographic tests of macro and microstructure (qualitative and quantitative evaluation),
- studies of the relationship: manufacturing technology – microstructure - utility properties,
- measurements of micro and nanohardness of rubber
- metrological measurements (length and angle measurements as well as profilographometric measurements),
- metal hardness measurements.
The main testing equipment of the Materials Testing Centre allows to conduct various works related to broadly understood road transport:
- Thermal analyser TGA-DSC Netzch for simultaneous analysis, model STA 449 F3 Jupiter coupled with Aeolos QMS 403C quadrupole mass spectrometer and Bruker Optic FT-IR Tensor 27 infrared spectrometer.
- STA 449 F3 Netzsch thermal analyser equipped with a steam oven for measurements in a water vapour atmosphere.
- Automatic kinematic viscosity measuring HVU482 apparatus with a TLC80 cryostat by Tamson.
- Automatic OptiDist Herzog apparatus for determining fractional composition using normal distillation method.
- Automatic HFP 339 Herzog apparatus for determining the flash point in a closed cup using Pensky Martens method.
- JEOL JSM-6360LA scanning electron microscope with EDS X-ray microanalyser.
- Head for laser elemental analysis - EA-300.
- IKA C 500 calorimeter.
- BINDER environmental chambers.
- Corrosion chambers (tests in salt fog and SO2 atmosphere).
- Q-SUN xenotests.
- Keyence VHX-7000 digital microscope.
- Olympus metallographic microscope model PMG3.
- Magnetic Force Microscope/Atomic Force Microscope (MFM/AFM).
- Nanoindenter CSM Instruments (including universal hardness (Hit), Vickers hardness (HV), reduced Young's modulus (Eit) in microareas).
- Optical emission spectrometer with spark excitation - qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elements contained in, among the others, Fe, Al, Mg, Co, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ti, Zn, Cu alloys.
- INSTRON Dynatup Vertical Impact Hammer Model 9250HV.
- Bruker Contour GT-K1 Optical Profilographometer.
- Phantom v1210/24GB high-speed camera with motion analysis software -TEMA Motion.
- Kruss K100C tensiometer.
- IRHD Micro Zwick 3103 hardness tester.
- Universal hardness tester (Rockwell-Vickers-Brinell) Struers Duramin 500.
- Shimadzu High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) set.