Road Traffic Safety Centre

Road Traffic Safety Centre

Motor Transport Institute

80 Jagiellońska Str.
03-301 Warsaw
tel. (+48 22) 43-85-241


The Centre's (CBR) activities focus on the following issues:
  • analysis of the road safety situation,
  • road safety education of children and youths,
  • training and retraining of drivers,
  • programs to improve road safety,
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected road safety measures,
  • substantive cooperation in the certification of personnel and services.

The RTS Centre carries out its tasks in close cooperation with the Polish Parliament and the government institutions, local governments and non-governmental organizations and media. Actively participates also in the specialized international cooperation. As the only centre in the country it has information on road accidents in Poland since 1990. An integral part of the Center is the Polish Road Safety Observatory ( The Observatory is a date warehouse on accidents, collisions, vehicles, drivers, roads and a website with an interactive map that allows you to visualize accidents. Since 1997, as the coordinating institution, representing Poland the Centre has participated in the work of an international database on road accidents -IRTAD (International Road Traffic and Accident Database), and since 2003 in the work of a database on road accidents European Union CARE (Community Road Accident Database). Using the data collected in the POBR data warehouse, it prepares data feeding the IRTAD and CARE database and provides domestic and foreign institutions with other data and information on issues related to road safety.

The Centre conducts research in the following areas:

  • periodic statistical analysis (the main threats, trends, comparisons with other countries);
  • in-depth analyses of the selected issues of road traffic safety (e.g. speed, alcohol, young drivers, pedestrians);
  • monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the measures undertaken to improve road traffic safety;
  • creating national and regional programs to improve road traffic safety;
  • road safety education.

Additionally the Centre:

  •  works closely with the community of practitioners carrying out training and examination of drivers - ITS patronage of Driver Training Centres;
  •  provides consultations on the road traffic safety to the teachers, driving instructors, examiners, Regional Road Safety Councils, local governments, organizations and students;
  •  organizes and conducts seminars, training courses, postgraduate courses and workshops thematically related to the road traffic safety;
  •  organizes and conducts activities in the field of road safety in kindergartens and schools;
  •  runs social campaigns on the road safety issues.


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