Certification, Standardization and Quality Department
Motor Transport Institute
80 Jagiellońska Str. 03-301 Warsaw tel. (+48 22) 43 85 105
Certification of Road Hauliers: Tel. +48 22 43 85 156 Certification of Products: Tel. +48 22 43 85 110 (119) Inspection Laboratory Tel. +48 22 43 85 105

Certification, Standardization and Quality Department (ZCN) conducts work related to certification of persons, automotive products and instruments, diagnostic equipment as well as standardization in the road transport. It carries out and coordinates activities related to the implementation and maintenance of management systems at ITS. The Department consists of: Products Certification Section, Persons Certification Section, Inspection Laboratory and Management Systems Section. The tasks of these laboratories are:
Products Certification Section:
- certification activities - as part of accreditation - on automotive products and devices and diagnostic equipment;
- conducting certification procedures of the mandatory and voluntary certification in accordance with the accreditation of the Polish Centre for Accreditations - PCA (the scope of accreditation is defined on the web site of the Polish Centre for Accreditations: www.pca.gov.pl);
- certification activities - within the notification held - concerning the assessment of compliance with the safety requirements of the goods described in the EU Directives;
- developing evaluation criteria for each product group, covered by the certification;
- maintaining supervision over the certificates granted;
- cooperation with the Quality Control Department on the certification procedures, concerning inspecting organizational and technical conditions of production, import and distribution of products, and other relevant ITS departments in developing criteria for the evaluation and implementation of certification procedures;
- up to date informing about the changes to the regulations for certification.
The laboratory carries out its work in accordance with the guidelines of the Board Governing the Certification Processes, established by the Director of the Institute.
Personnel Certification Section:
- conducting certification procedures for the voluntary certification of personnel professional competences in accordance with the accreditation of the Polish Centre for Accreditations - PCA (scope of accreditation is defined on the web site of the Polish Centre for Accreditations: www.pca.gov.pl);
- conducting mandatory certification of professional competences in the road transport;
- developing criteria for evaluating individual professional groups covered by the certification;
- maintaining supervision over the certificates granted;
- reporting to PCA professional groups envisaged to obtain accreditation;
- co-operation with the Inspection Laboratory on inspections of the Examination Centres as well as other ITS's departments in developing criteria for the evaluation of the personnel professional competencies and realizing certification procedures.
Laboratory performs his work in accordance with the guidelines of the Programme Committee, established by the Director of the Institute.
Inspection Laboratory
Laboratory carries out its work related to the processes of certification and type-approval of automotive products and instruments.
The activities covered by the accreditation:
- conducting inspections in accordance with the accreditation of the Polish Centre for Accreditations - PCA (the scope of accreditation is defined on the web site of the Polish Centre for Accreditations: www.pca.gov.pl):
- technical and organizational conditions at the domestic and foreign suppliers’ for issuing a certificate for automotive products and diagnostic equipment of the vehicle inspection stations,
- as part of the supervision over the application of certificates,
- production compliance of the type-approved products according to the requirements of the relevant UN regulations and EU directives,
- supervised type-approval tests (in collaboration with ZBH),
- taking samples of the products for verification laboratory tests as part of the inspections conducted.
Activities outside the scope of accreditation:
- installation compliance inspections of the systems adapting the given types of vehicles to run on LPG and CNG,
- assessment quality systems of suppliers with certified quality systems.
Management Systems Section:
- maintaining and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system according to the requirements of PN- EN ISO 9001:2009 standard, AQAP 2110:2009 document and management systems at the accredited organizational units of the Institute;
- consultations and participation in the audits for external and internal customers and assistance in the efforts related to applying for accreditation;
- providing internal and external trainings on management systems;
- consultations for organizational units in the preparatory work to obtain accreditation and up to date informing about the changes to the regulations for accreditation;
- support for the collection of standards gathered in the ITS and their storage, completion, updating and registration;
- opinions on standards provided for this purpose by the Polish Committee for Standardization, Ministry competent for transport and other entities;
- co-operation with the Ministry competent for transport on standardization in relation to road transport;
- coordination of the activities of the Institute's representatives in the Technical Committees (TC) of the Polish Committee for Standardization;
- supplying the organizational units of the Institute with the necessary standards and metrology bulletins and informing the organizational units about the new national and international standards relating to road transport.