Vehicle Type-Approval & Testing Department

Vehicle Type-Approval & Testing Department
Motor Transport Institute

80 Jagiellońska Str.
03-301 Warsaw
tel. (+48 22) 43 85 351



The Vehicle Type-approval and Testing Department (ZBH) has a test laboratory accreditation certificate confirming compliance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 17025:2018-02 standard. The scope of accreditation is specified on the website of the Polish Centre for Accreditation.

The Department performs research and expert work in the field of type-approval tests of the vehicle type, its equipment and parts, as well as those of the production conformity with the type-approved type. 

The activities conducted include, in particular: 

  • type-approval tests of vehicles of all categories and authorization of such tests performed by other duly authorized units; 
  • type-approval tests of vehicle equipment and parts in accordance with the technical competence of the Department and authorization of such tests performed by other duly authorized units;
  • testing of vehicles for individual approval and one-off- approval; 
  • creating and developing draft regulations and type-approval standards, taking into account their international equivalents; 
  • issues of international homologation in the UNECE and EU systems; 
  • control issues of production conformity with the approved type; 
  • consultations and expert opinions. 


The department is divided into four laboratories: 

  • Mechanical Testing and Gas-Powered Vehicles 
  • Static Vehicle Testing 
  • Vehicle Dynamic Tests 
  • Photometric research


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