Scientific Information and Publications Section

Scientific Information and Publications Section

Motor Transport Institute

80 Jagiellońska Str.
03-301 Warsaw
tel. (+ 48 22) 43-85-211


Scientific Information and Publications Section (IN) conducts work covering:

  • publishing activities of the Institute (Institute's periodicals, monographs, textbooks, reference books, papers on the work conducted, bulletins, occasional publications etc.);
  • running Institute's library, updating the collection and lending services;
  • maintaining collections of ITS archives comprising scientific papers and other documentation;
  • support for the Institute by providing services concerning photography, copying, printing and editing texts and documents;
  • coordination and administrative support for commissioned translations, copyright agreements and other commissioned work related to the publishing activities of the Institute;
  • sales of the Institute's publications and preparation of their dissemination;
  • subscribing domestic and foreign magazines;
  • archiving of library collections as well as scientific papers and research & development works of the Institute.
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